Thursday, February 28, 2013

Our Elizabeth Police Force

The Campus Ministers meet with members of the Elizabeth Police Police Force

to discuss and present the

United Nations Law Enforcement Human Trafficking Toolkit. 

The United Nations Law Enforcement Human Trafficking Toolkit contained training information for front line defenders to identify potential human trafficking situations, stabilize and control the situation, help prepare the victim, and resources to refer victims to specialized service providers.
 Sergent Mike Jones, Sergent Jim Kearns and Detective Micki Colon shared an important message for all people, especially immigrants. "Don't be afraid to come to police. They will help you.." So often, people mistakenly believe that the police will arrest them for other violations. They are only interested in protecting the victims of these horrible crimes and persecuting the serious criminals abusing young people, especially young girls. The laws currently protect anyone, whether documented or undocumented, who are coerced into forced labor or sexual exploitation. 
 Everyone should be outraged about this inhumane violence against young women and children. We can be silent no more. We must use our VOICES and tell everyone. There was a recent article in the news that most perpetrators are meeting their victims through facebook, twitter and instagram by asking to be a friend. They then have access to your name, photos, friends and information. DO NOT ACCEPT ANY PERSON AS YOUR FRIEND. It is dangerous.... and warn your friends.

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