Monday, February 11, 2013



Benedictine Academy's Jefferson Award Gold Medal SIA team joined over 150 other students, including our brothers from St. Benedict's Prep,  for a Leadership Conference at Kean University.

Several of our students presented and shared their passion for their service projects in the educational/literacy and peace/justice fields.

A SIA Senior devotes over hundreds of hours each year to helping the disabled learn to read and write in her community literacy program. A SIA Sophomore student, Modern Abolitionist and member of the Freedom Partner Club, shared about our country's plight and action needed to help eradicate Human Trafficking.

The students then collaborated with other schools to tackle a pressing issue within our communities. Their analysis included developing a plan for a project incorporating the 7 goals of effective leadership. Two of our SIA Ambassadors mentored and guided the group addressing a peace and justice issue currently affecting our society.

It was a dynamic fun-filled experience for all the students as they begin to prepare for the April Competition. The winning school will receive a banner and an expense paid trip for two of the students to the National Jefferson Awards Ceremony in Washington D.C..

Benedictine Academy was awarded a National Jefferson Awards Gold Banner in their first year of the Regional Competition and was named BEST NEW JEFFERSON AWARD HIGH SCHOOL in the nation for the school year 2010-2011.

In the school year 2011-2012, Benedictine Academy was awarded the National Jefferson Awards Regional Gold Banner and was recognized as the # 1 JEFFERSON AWARD HIGH SCHOOL IN THE NATION, competing against over 350 schools in the country.

This year, Benedictine Academy has been invited to compete as an AMBASSADOR HIGH SCHOOL against the top four Jefferson Gold Medal high schools in the nation. The AMBASSADOR HIGH SCHOOL serves as a public volunteer service high school, mentor high school, and civic leadership high school. In addition to accomplish the Seven Students In Action Goals, there are an additional four extremely challenging goals. Provided all eleven goals are achieved, the Ambassador School may enter into the competition with an extensive essay report and presentation.

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